Entrusting everything in the hands of The Lord to direct doctors in their wisdom in making the best decision, the days were spent savoring every minute with constant visits and tele-conversations from family and friends in Singapore and all other parts of the world.
It was a quiet Saturday when the decision was to be made. While a minor procedure was carried out to remove the infected chemo line in the room, it was a calm yet reflective wait outside the corridor.
Many minutes passed before footsteps were heard approaching... the doctor while awaiting the latest blood test came to gently deliver news to family that the outcome of the past trends shown regression of the disease (Beta HCG previously undetectable shooting to a high 12). With the news sinking in the heart, the burden was lifted to the Lord for direction and strength. Grave yet calm was the wait for the test results for the review with the doctors.
With the procedure finally over, the doctors gathered us in the quiet room.... Miraculously, the latest test showed the Beta HCG declining unexpectedly which surprised the doctors. This outcome swung the decision from stem cell transplant to surgery.
The surgery would attempt in removing the entire main tumor located at the chest area for a biopsy for a clearer diagnosis and treatment. Another aim is to replace a main vein leading fluids back to the heart with an artifical one (the tumor has been pressing on this vein for so long it no longer functions well). It explains why the upper body is always swollen when fluids are infused.
Emotions were mixed as the news were deemed positive while apprehension was placed on the major surgery as the last experience with a open but simplier biopsy was traumatic....
Nevertheless, family and friends from around the world cheered on as the end of the race is deemed drawing closer...