Lance Armstrong once said in his book, "Pain is temporary but giving up is forever". Very true indeed, especially for people afflicted with illness like cancer. Through experience, discovering the fact that one had contracted cancer will demoralise and affect you badly. Most of the time one would feel like crying, just like I did. Your world feels like "Jenga!!!"
Information overload can make a patient feeling down and negative. The conscious mind plays a very important role, it can kill you but at the same time it can save you. Hence, come the phrase "Stay positive and you will live". Prayers and encouragement plays an important role in one's well being. It keeps our mind positive. It keeps us looking forward to recovery and wellness. It is good to know your disease then you will be able to fight them just like the saying, "To win the battle is to know your enemy". But if one cannot accept information that may be negative to you.... my advice is not to know it because it may affect your mindset.
Going through the treatments can be painful, lots of discomfort, always feeling unwell...... the list goes on, but remember "Never Give Up!!!!" It is only temporary, and you will benefit from the treatments eventually. Also..... Pray hard.
It has been almost one year now, my life perspective had changed. Life is more important than I used to think it was. A meaningful life does not encompasses around money and wealth only. My brother in law once said, "Got so much money also cannot bring with you when you pass on". When he said that, I laughed at it as if it was a joke, but when one has experienced life threatening illnesses, what was once a joke, now it is a fact!
Whatever treatments one may be going through, just be positive, believe that it will work and don't ever give up. Sometimes we can perform better, even beyond the capacities that we ever imagined possible, when crisis like this occurred in our lives.

"I shall never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Pain is temporary, giving up is forever!
Written by Kevin Yeo 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
This one is for you all!!!!
Good news! Good news! Finally great news! My tumour markers has dipped and hopefully dip even more. Praise the Lord and have faith will conquer all obstacles.
"Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement that has spurred me on to fight my battle."
The battle is not over yet but I am sure the results today will boost my morale to continue fighting. My fight will not be easy without all of you encouraging me. My morale would not be high if you guys did not cheer me on. I would not be this positive today if not for all of you praying for me.
Written by Kevin Yeo 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Malaysia Boleh!!!!!
Written by Kevin Yeo 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
C'est la vie!
As much as we yearn and love to hear the words "Cancer In Remission" especially after all that he had gone through, the cancer is still not completely beaten as the tumor markers have started to climb after being lowered to 37 after the transplant (normal range is below 10).
It was the beginning of March when the doctors concluded from the marker trends that the cancer is not in remission and suggested surgery/radiation to battle the disease. A special PET scan was done to better view the cell activity in the body for assessment if any surgery or radiation were to be carried out. As the scans showed active tumor growth around the heart, the surgeon and radiation oncologist gave us their fair views on the treatments and their risks.
Looking back on how he was previously, his hopes were raised and dashed several times over the last 9 months, I was very worried this news would devastate him. Instead, he picked himself up within the day and looked forward to whatever come what may. Later did he tell me that it was the peace in his heart which he drew strength from the Lord and prayers that boosted him out of devastation. We prayed for guidance and strength in decision to go ahead with surgery/radiation or to opt out as he needed to make a decision relatively soon in apprehension that the tumor starts doubling in size again.
It was an extremely difficult decision to make the call to opt out as living a peaceful and fulfilling life is very much more important. We have taken on traditional chinese medicine as an alternative and is currently seeking treatment by a chief physician who specializes in cancer. He also chose a holistic approach instead to improve his quality of life and hope to battle or if not, control the tumors. We consider the stem cell transplant a success as it managed to beat the markers to an all time low as that translates to more time and opportunity to take on alternative treatments.
Through our entire experience, we strengthen a stronger relations with our extended family members and casual friends, made more good friends and bask in the warmth of sincerity and helpfulness in the ordinary people around our ordinary estate on an ordinary day.
Given this new lease of life, we are thankful for The Lord's grace for another opportunity, however short or long, to fully and truly cherish each other, spend quality time with our families and friends.
Written by Linda Oh 2 comments
Pizza Nite
As some friends will know, we had a small pizza party on the eve of the New Year 2008. Due to some technical glitches, the photos were somehow gone before we could post any on our blog.
Pizza that is almost symmetrical
Mushroom with cheese and ham!
Hearty pizza with a touch of black pepper!
The last pizza made for the night!
Written by Linda Oh 0 comments