
"I shall never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Above The Clouds

The stem cell collection is finally behind us. The road ahead seems bumpy with uncertainties but the finishing line now more visible.

News that the tumor markers, AFP and Beta HCG, are again rising clouds the line of sight with fog. Holding on to our faith and each other and further supported by all, this cloud is quickly dispersed and spirits are quickly back on the positive track.

With 2 more eventful weeks ahead before the stem cell transplant is scheduled, many plans are underway to enjoy these rest weeks to the fullest.... penang laksa party, proposed resort stay at Sentosa, family visit over the long weekend and many more!


Dawn said...

Hi Kevin,

I am following your progress, note I say "progress" because i truly believe you will get through this. I JUST Know it! I JUST know it. Tai Loong says "hello" too!!
HUGS, Dawn and Tai Loong

Dawn said...

Kevin, U look GREAT GREAT!!!!!
Hugs, dawn and TL

Rachel said...

Hi Kevin
Looking good. Keep up the positive spirit. You'll be in my prayers every time.

Unknown said...

The road ahead is far from clear. But love and faith will persevere and win the race. Main thing is that bro Kev is aware that the Lord works in mysterious ways. Let him guide you all the way....