
"I shall never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Beginning Of The Last Lap

After all the anticipation and apprehension, the first dose of high dosage chemo has finally been administered on the 16th Nov. This is the first day of the estimated 9 weeks ahead (for full details to refer to blog : Simple Mechanics)

The team of doctors and nurses are very supportive and meticulous. We have a speciality nurse who is an expert in wound dressing..a dietitian to lay out a high protein diet..senior staff nurse to guide and manage our expectations during the treatment..numerous doctors constantly monitoring to ensure nothing humanly can go wrong and not forgetting the lady who keeps the room spotless!!!

As the dosage is 10x the original strength, the expected side effects would be more severe and ranges from sore throat to heart palpitations and many more.... Till date his effects are fatigue, faster heart rate and breathlessness as the body is now coping with the drugs and a total of 8L of fluids pumped in his body daily.

Latest updates on the tumor markers, it rose to 700+ and suddenly dropped to 600+. The doctors feel it is an unsual trend. Let us continue in our prayers....

Keeping strong with Faith in our hearts

1 comment:

mamakstall said...

Yo Bro!!!

Stupid joke...which emperor in China is blind?
Emperor Kangxi

-Stay well and strong mate!