
"I shall never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Next Battle

Upon the clearance of the infection, our spirits were uplifted as we won yet another battle. I was just getting ready to return to work that Monday when the doctor called for a CT scan to have a better picture of his condition.

On 1st June, the doctor explained to us that the cancer has progressed and the scan showed an increase in tumor growth. It was heart wrenching to see the disappointment in Kevin's face. Both of us could not control our tears while waiting to be referred to a radiation oncologist for assessment. Our hearts were so laden with tears and disappointment as we have so much more to walk together as a couple. It just seemed cruel at that moment as we had fought so many battles and yet the war could not be won.

We held on to each other tightly for comfort and strength. Months of pain and endurance flashed before me as I was reminded of the how Kevin pulled through his transplant. It was a silent scream within me as I wanted to take over it all and not have him experience anymore disappointment or pain. Our pain eased slightly upon the radiation oncologist explaining how radiation therapy could try to help control the growth of the tumor.

Kevin wanted to give it another shot as long as his body is able to take it. He was determined as he wanted more birthdays and Christmases to be celebrated together with me. I could still see the pain and frustration in his eyes as he tried to give me an re-assuring smile.

Together, we embarked on yet another battle. A battle which he fought bravely all the way till the very end.....

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