
"I shall never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All Set for The Lunar New Year

After I posted in the blog Kevin's Xmas decorations, many asked what is next..... Of course it is Kevin's next favourite season of the year after Christmas.... The Lunar New Year!

He was always ready to hang firecrackers, lanterns, red ribbons and much more around our house. At one point, I had to restrict the size and length of the decorations he wanted. Can you imagine hanging large lantern in a tiny 91 sqm flat!! I would most probably spend most of my time trying to dodge it while walking around the house :)

And of course, the main delight for the festive season would be his favourite snacks - bbq pork, pineapple tarts, cookies, peanuts and the whole works.

Each time I eat a pineapple tart, I recall the large pineapple tart I made for his 21st birthday. As we were travelling out of Perth for the weekend, I wanted to surprise him with a birthday cake that could survive the travel. Suddenly, pineapple tarts came to mind. Just imagine we could actually cut the tart like a birthday day cake (I had to cook quite a bit of pineapples to fill the middle of the tart). We never forgot that cake!

Even before Christmas, I thought of many things that we could place there and still survive the rain and strong sun. So we headed to Chinatown to scout around. Lynette and Siang came across a metal plate with an outline of a cross in the middle. When the wind blows, the plate turns and the cross glitters with the movement and reflection of light.

Not forgetting his favourite lanterns, we fashioned stands to hang the lanterns out of thick copper wires. Looking at our handiwork, we are pretty satisfied for now... never know what we might chance on again!
Try to visualize the metal place twirling!
Also check out the two lionheads which I believe he would love...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

As Fresh As The Flowers

With so many events unfolding over the last few months, I have not mentioned to many that we were the proud god-parents of little Mikayla Yap since September 2008. Mama Debbie is my childhood friend and Papa Lawrence is our grocery "kaki"!

Going over to their place and to see her smile when she opens her eyes to look at me is all it takes to make my day sweet. When I hum while craddling her, she will look at me and make funny mouth movements at me.

Just the other day, her grand god-ma Anne (aka my mother) looked after her for a couple of hours and was charmed by her. Thereafter, she keeps asking me if Mikayla is coming to the house.... hey Budi, move over!! (for those who are not familiar, Budi is my mother's bulldog aka THE KING)

Carrying her in my arms gives me the sense of innocence ... the innocence of new life. Just like the freshness of a field of newly bloomed flowers!

Dearest Mikayla,
Your godfather is smiling and watching over you from Heaven

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Blessed 2009 To All

With so much happening over the last 2 years, at times it still feels like a dream that I am moving into a new year without Kevin.

Moving into the New Year, the focus is to lead the life we always discussed we should. So it is with a smile that I choose to start my day, it is with joy I choose to spend my day at work, at home and with friends, it is with meaning in the things I choose to do ... on top of everything, it is with God's guidiance in all that I do.

As what one of Kevin's doctors told me after his passing... "Not everybody would have the opportunity to leave behind a legacy.... but Kevin did!". This, I will always keep at heart as it helps me focus on living on and well, each time the pain of seperation seems unbearable.

While closing the chapters of 2008
I would take this opportunity to once again sincerely thank

Our Families & Relatives
Medical Team of SGH
Medical Team & Staff of the Hospice Care Association

Thank you once again for supporting us through this difficult journey of ours.
As how Kevin and I put it, you all individually are the many blessing The Lord showered upon us.

To All who have known Kev and to those that will come to know Kevin through his life story .... May Kevin's Legacy Live On!

Wishing A Blessed 2009 To All

With Love,
Linda Yeo